Major League Hacking & Coil -  Membership Credit Request Form
You can receive a 6 month free Coil membership subscription (valued at $30) by completing this form.  This form is intended for use at Major League Hacking Events only.

The 6 month membership subscription credit is limited to one redemption per participant!

Happy Hacking!

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First Name *
Last Name *
We will use the email you provide below to send you your Coil Credits. *
Personal Email *
Gmail accounts are more likely to receive credits in a timely manner (they bounce back less).
Personal Email Verification *
Please re-enter your email exactly for us.
Privacy Policy *
I authorize you to share my application/registration information for event administration, ranking, MLH administration, pre- and post-event informational e-mails, and occasional messages about hackathons in-line with the MLH Privacy Policy. I further agree to the terms of both the MLH Contest Terms and Conditions and the MLH Privacy Policy. // 
What is your current level of study? *
Region *
Which of these regions best describes where you're hacking from?
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